Anlysis of Spatiotemporal Behavior of Mashhad Metropolis’s Urban Heat Island

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student of Climatology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan

2 Prof. of Climatology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan


The expansion of urbanization and the increase of population in metropolises and the growth of
industrial activities of cities, It has caused changes in urban area climate. One result of these changes
is the city's heat islands. The city of Mashhad has also grown rapidly in recent years. This study
investigates the heat/cold island of Mashhad metropolis based on the background climate in order to
identify its spatiotemporal behavior. For this purpose The MODIS Terra and Aqua land surface
temperature (LST) data were obtained and the heat island was examined accordingly. A new was
used to measure the heat island. In this method, Modis land use data was used to determine the urban
and suburban boundaries as well as to determine the land use type of the study area. The background
climate was determined based on Far-side temperature and the representative non urban area was
selected based on the most frequent temperature and the heat island was calculated. Survey of
heat/cold island in the daily period showed that during the day the average temperature of city is
lower than non urbun temperature and at night is higher. Also the seasonal survey of heat island/could
island of Mashhad metropolitan shows that daily cold island is the highest during the warm seasons
and lowest in the cold seasons and the seasonal variability of nightly heat island is less than the daily
cold island. The core of the daily cold island is located between the Haram and the Shahid Fehmidah
Square towards the western area of Mashhad. The day time cold island matches the areas of the city
with high vegetation coverage. The core of the nightly heat island is consistent with the old texture
and dense area around the Haram towards the northwest of the city. The heat/cold island intensity is
also directly related to the wind speed. The role of land use in intensifying or reducing the intensity of
the heat island of Mashhad is well seen. In the development of the city, more attention can be paid to
the use of urban land use in order to moderate the temperature of the city.


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