Comparison of four PLSR, RF, GRNN and SVR algorithms to estimate sugarcane sheath moisture during growing season using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Biosystems Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Biosystems Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Water Engineering and Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor of Biosystems Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: The moisture content of sugarcane sheath is a crucial parameter during the crop's growth period, as it plays a key role in understanding water stress and field irrigation management. Traditional methods of measuring crop moisture levels involve time-consuming and expensive processes like obtaining wet and dry weights, followed by calculating moisture content, which are impractical for large areas. Recent advancements in remote sensing technology have enabled the monitoring of plant tissue moisture content in large fields. Remote sensing data have a high capacity to update crop growth monitoring systems.  In this regard, it is possible to use satellite images that provide a wealth of information to users. This research aims to evaluate sugarcane leaf sheath moisture using satellite images and generate moisture maps based on the best model.
Materials and methods: The sugarcane fields, which represent the largest agricultural operations in Khuzestan, have an area of over 84,000 hectares. It covers over 9,670 hectares are cultivated by the Amir Kabir Agriculture and Industry company, the focus of this research. The study area is located at a latitude of 31° 00' 20' N and a longitude of 48° 15' 22' E. A total of 18 farms of the sugarcane variety CP69-1062 were utilized for this research. Five points were selected from each farm, and the coordinates of the points were recorded using a GPS device. The study was carried out between July and September. Ground data were collected nearly simultaneously with the Sentinel-2 satellite imaging of the target area. The moisture content of each collected sample was determined gravimetrically in the laboratory. For each image, indices and spectral bands were calculated using QGIS software and the output was saved as Excel and TIF files. The indices and bands obtained from Sentinel-2 satellite images were used to estimate and monitor the moisture status of sugarcane leaf sheath. In the next step, a variance inflation factor (VIF) analysis was implemented to check the collinearity between indices and bands. Finally, the indices of NDVI, EVI, SRWI, Clgreen and single bands B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B11 and B12 were entered as input to four GRNN, RF, SVR and PLSR models. The Bayes algorithm was employed to optimize the parameters of the model.
Results and discussion: The results demonstrated that the SVR model exhibited a superior ability to estimate leaf sheath moisture compared to other models. Additionally, the sensitivity analysis revealed that the SRWI, Clgreen, NDVI, B5, B12, B11, B4, B3, EVI and B2 parameters are effective parameters in the moisture content modelling process. In the final stage, the leaf sheath moisture was classified into five stress classes, namely irrigation time, low moisture, medium moisture, and high moisture, in the order from low to high. The results of the moisture maps and the irrigation schedule for each date indicate that the combined output of B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B11, B12, NDVI, EVI, SRWI and Clgreen indices and bands has a superior performance. These indices were utilized in the preparation of irrigation plans. This method was employed to assess the potential of S2 MSI spectral indices for the estimation of leaf sheath moisture in the sugarcane growth stage.
Conclusion: Based on sensitivity analysis, the SRWI parameter was found to be the most effective index in the modelling process. Consequently, it can be concluded that a combination of indices and bands of NDVI, EVI, SRWI, Clgreen, B2, B3, B5, B4, B11, and B12 provides a more accurate estimate of sugarcane sheath moisture than any single input. Thus, processing and analysis of Sentinel-2 satellite images can be used to enhance the methodologies employed for the monitoring of sugarcane sheath moisture content in expansive fields.


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