Geometric interpretation of Faults and surface fractures of Siyah Makan oil field(Dezful embayment, SW Iran) by Thermal Remote Sensing Techniques

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 M.Sc., Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tabriz University, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tabriz University, Iran


Nowadays remote sensing science is widely used in the earth sciences. One of these branches is the identification, investigation and interpretation of the surface structures of the earth. The study of the fracture systems, the recognition of the geometry and spatial distribution of them, could helped to development of the oil fields. In this research, using Landsat 8 satellite imagery data, STA algorithm and remote sensing processing techniques, geometric analysis of the surface structures in the Siyahmakan oil field has been investigated. Then, the ground surface temperature (LST), calculated by Landsat project science office model for the oil field, and finally examined the relationship between the distribution of surface fractures and the surface temperature distribution pattern of the study area. The results show that the parallel axial (SA) and shear fractures(SO1), that have the N-S and NW-SE trend ordinary, have the highest frequency. According to the density map, the density of the lineaments in the mid-zone to the southeast of the field is the highest. Since underground resources are located along the tectonic lineaments near the surface, these structures have seen  cooler and darker in the satellite images of the surrounding areas. Structural lineaments have shown conformity with surface temperature map so that lineaments often  located in the regions with low to medium and medium – level Temperatures. Therefore  low temperatures correspond to the highly fractured areas.


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