Investigation of Intensity- Duration- Area of Rainfall and its Impact on Floods Using Radar Images (Case Study of the Flood on May 2014)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student of Climatology, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

2 PhD Student of Meteorology, Azad University, Oloom Tahghighat, Tehran, Iran

3 Expert of Meteorology in Golestan Province, Golestan, Iran

4 3. Expert of Meteorology in Golestan Province, Golestan, Iran


In this study, meteorological radar images were used to calculate intensity - amount and distribution of precipitation. Spatial resolution of 500 m radial and temporal resolution of 15 min were calculated. Floods in three basins of Sermo, Zrinigol and Ramian were studied. Results showed that intensity, duration and location of precipitation determined the amount of runoff in the basin. Flood time differed with the concentration and maximum runoff time of the basin. Investigating the radar images revealed that the maximum runoff in addition to the sum of precipitation on the basin was also dependent on the distribution of precipitation. If the sum and distribution of precipitation were consistent, intensity of flooding was significantly increased, if intensity and sum of precipitation were inconsistent, flood intensity was lower. Maximum runoff time was different in each basin depending on location of rainfall intensity and the distribution of rainfall. The results showed that use of radar data was more accurate than experimental methods to predict flood and maximum runoff.


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