An Analysis on Land Use Process Changes and Forecasting in Urmia City Using SVM Model and Neural Networks

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.Sc. Student of RS & GIS, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Associate Prof. of Geography and Urban Planning, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

3 Ph.D. Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran


The growth of the urban population has been led to increasing of the urban spaces and growth of the city size. as a result of further construction and alteration of the land available to the benefit of its built-up spaces. Special location the city of Urmia at proximity of the Urmia lake and unfavorable condition of this lake reveals the necessity of the proper landuse planning at this city. One of the required tools for proper planning in this field is the use of remote sensing techniques. The present study aims to evaluate these changes (period 1989-2015) and predict its future trend. SVM and neural network methods are used to evaluate changes in 5 classes Due to the high accuracy of the classification of the neural network, the results of this classification have been used to predict changes for the 2045 horizon. Land constructed in 1989 is 7469.1 hectares, reaching 9217.3 and 94366.9 hectares in 2002 and 2015 respectively, and by2045, according to the prediction model, the neural network is equal to 22449.6 hectares, which is built on lands 13012.7 Shows hectares of increase. The determination coefficient (0.73) and rock curve (82.55%) also indicate the high accuracy of the neural network model to predict urban development changes. The Heldern method results shows that all of these constructions are not based on the real needs of the city And the sparse phenomenon has happened.


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